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New Leaf Physio Fitness - Rob's favourite product
This week's blog post Rob of New Leaf Physiotherapy shares what his favoirte piece of equipment is...
TKA Survival Kit, Part 5, Nutrition
This blog post talks about the importance of nutrition when healing from a Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)/ Total Knee Replacement (TKR).

TKA Survival Kit Part 4, Hydration
This blog post talks about the importance of hydration after total knee arthroplasty (TKA)

TKA Survival Kit Part 3a, Swelling
This blog post talks about post surgical swelling, circulatory system vs the lymphatic system.

Turning Over a New Leaf 2016, part 3
As I have talked about in Turning Over a New Leaf 2016 part 1 and 2, giving back to the community where we live in, is important. The...

Turning over a New Leaf 2016, part 2
These are the ways that New Leaf Physiotherapy gave back to our community in 2016.

Turning over a New Leaf 2016, part 1
These are the ways that New Leaf Physiotherapy gave back to our local community in 2016.
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