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Tip 8: The night before

8) The night before – this is when you put it all together.  What are you going to wear? (Remember we talked about this in our earlier tips) Start from either the feet up or the head down and lay out the clothing on your bed.  Nothing like waking up the morning of the race and scrambling to find your running shirt.  That panic is negative energy the morning of a big race.  I do this quick check so I can see what I have, so I do not miss anything.  It only takes about 10 minutes but it can make you feel at ease for the rest of the night.  Shoes?  Check.  Favorite running socks?  Check.  Shorts? Check.  Running belt (waterbottle)? Check.  Gels?  Check.  Running shirt (Sports bra)? Check (with your number already attached).  Arm warmers?  Check.  Gloves?  Check.  Heart rate monitor/Garmin?  Check.  It is a nice little, basic, check list but it is well worth a once over the night before.

In addition, since you checked out the course it is easy for you to visualize yourself running the course.  Close your eyes and see yourself at the start line and running the first few kms.  See yourself running, as if a tv camera was following you.  The hills, visualize yourself passing other runners, going through the water stations and crossing the finish line.  I perform this technique before every race and to be honest I am usually much more excited after my visualization.  But it gives me peace of mind that I already ran the course in my head so all I have to do it physically!!

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