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COVID-19 position statement

Updated: May 6, 2020

Dear New Leaf Physiotherapy Clients,

New Leaf Physiotherapy is staying up to date on COVID-19 recommendations from the CPTBC, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, the BC Centre for Disease Control and others.

We take your health and safety very seriously. We do not want to compromise you or your family's well being. We are taking precautions to maintain, not just your safety, but the ones you love as well.

NLP will be slowing down seeing our clients. There are some clients that have asked that we still attend to them. We will be washing our hands, spraying our beds with a disinfecting solution and using hand sanitizer, as usual.

We have and will be contacting our most vulnerable clients and asking them to reschedule their appointments at a later date.

Please, if you do not feel comfortable, contact your practitioner and we will gladly reschedule your appointment. Obviously, there will not be a cancellation charge.

We are doing our part. However, we need you, our clients, to do your part as well. Wash your hands, practice some social distancing and keep your head up. This will end soon if we all do our part.

If you suddenly develop a dry cough, fever and respiratory distress (harder to breathe). Please seek medical attention immediately.

The Interior Health Urgent and Primary Care Centre. located at: 1141 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna BC, V1Y 6E8, Phone number 250-469-6985 is doing screening for the COVID-19 virus.

Thank you.


Alyssa, Sierra, Kaz, Henry and Rob

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